Mandoulides Schools

World Poetry Day at Konstantinidis bookstores

On the occasion of World Poetry Day, students of the Schools had the pleasure to recite their favorite poems and songs at an event held on Tuesday, March 21, at Konstantinidis bookstore, which was dedicated to poetry set to music. Students P. Diamantis (11th Grade), E. Lazaridis (11th Grade), K. Mantatzi (11th Grade), M. Mertzimeki (11th Grade), M. Papadopoulos (10th Grade) A. Papathanasiou (10th Grade), M. Tsikaras (10th Grade) and E. Hasioti (10th Grade) delivered poems and lyrics by Yannis Ritsos, C. P. Cavafy, Odysseas Elytis, Michalis Ganas, Dionysios Solomos, Nikos Gkatsos and Paraskevas Karasoulos. Meanwhile, in a day full of emotion and surprises, beloved poems were interpreted by Giorgos Papoudis and Makis Aivazoglou with the musical accompaniment of Tasos Papadopoulos.

The Day was honored with the presence of Thomas Korovinis, Vasiliki Nevrokopli, Dora Chasekidou Marni Hatziemmanouil and others while the presence of Mr. Kostas Bliatkas, journalist, who sang his favorite lyrics of Dionysis Savvopoulos, was a special moment. The event was coordinated and presented by Ms. Aspa Hasioti, General Director of Mandoulides Schools.

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