Mandoulides Schools

Projects - Case Studies presentations

10th and 11th Grade students presented their Projects / Case Studies on Wednesday, April 26th and Thursday, April 27th respectively. Case Studies work around a scientific subject, for which there is no single obvious answer. This reflection emerges from a veritable story, and students are asked to decide for themselves on the solution, supporting their points of view with arguments. This naturally involves in-depth discussion of the subject and a search for data both from the Case Study itself and from the relevant literature. The obvious benefits beyond knowledge itself are the sharpening of critical thinking, the cultivation of team spirit, the development of science subjects (STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and the promotion of the image of women as scientists and entrepreneurs, as in most cases women appear in such important roles.

Case Studies are a method of teaching positive sciences, and more, that has proven to be valuable in various universities abroad, with Harvard being the first one. The first school in Greece to do so, Madoulides Schools, in collaboration with the American educational organization StageLearn, have been implementing Case Studies for years now, as part of the 10th and 11th Grades’ Research Project.

The projects presented were as follows:

10th Grade

Thematic Unit: Technology and Development

Thematic Unit: Environment and Sustainable Development

11th Grade

Thematic Unit: Technology and Development

Thematic Unit: Environment and Sustainable Development

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