Mandoulides Schools

We stay home…but we don't fall behind with our school work

Μένουμε σπίτι… αλλά δεν μένουμε πίσω στα μαθήματα .

Μένουμε σπίτι… αλλά δεν μένουμε πίσω στα μαθήματα Πέρασε κιόλας μια εβδομάδα με τη σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση στα Εκπαιδευτήρια… μέσω της εφαρμογής Microsoft Teams. Οι μαθητές του Δημοτικού, του Γυμνασίου και του Λυκείου, με ποσοστό συμμετοχής 95%, συναντήθηκαν με τους εκπαιδευτικούς, συνομίλησαν μαζί τους, έλυσαν τις απορίες τους, διόρθωσαν μαζί τα καθήκοντά τους και ανανέωσαν το ραντεβού τους για το επόμενο προγραμματισμένο μάθημα…

We stay home…but we don't fall behind with our school work

It's already been a week since synchronous distance learning was introduced at Mandoulides School through the Microsoft Teams app.

The students of Elementary, Junior and Senior High School, with a participation rate of 95%, met with their teachers, talked to them, found answers to their questions, corrected their homework together and renewed their appointment for the next scheduled lesson.

There is great excitement. Virtual classrooms are filled with children's voices, smiles and jokes as well as knowledge, creation and collaboration.

At the same time, asynchronous education through the Microsoft Teams application and the digital platform my mandoulides continues at all levels for the third week in a row. Students are busy with their daily tasks, prepare for exams -Panhellenic, in-school, foreign languages- have access to the keys of the exercises assigned and they all practice self-correction, a skill that they will need in the future.

We stay home and take care…

…of our progress!

…of ourselves!

…of our own and all people’s health!

We stay home…we stay healthy!


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