Mandoulides Schools

The students of 1st Grade surf the Internet safely!

ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο

ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο

The students of 1st Grade surf the Internet safely!

Little citizens need to acquire digital citizenship so that they can fully participate in the modern communities where they belong. After completing the Digital Citizenship educational program and with the advice of their teachers in online classrooms, the students of 1st Grade discussed the digital footprint they leave behind when they browse the Internet, the criteria that make a website suitable for them and learned when they have to say “Stop and think!”.

With a positive mood and a lot of creativity, they made posters and sent their own messages about the importance of digital awareness and prudence! These unprecedented experiences that we are all, young and older alike, going through make digital communication essential at all ages!

Children browse the Internet every day. Teachers and parents take care of their safety. The world of the Internet is immense, but our first graders are preparing to make the right decisions and deal with it with caution, kindness and safety!

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