Mandoulides Schools

Webinar: «Mathematical Thinking and Logic … Online»

Webinar: «Μαθηματική Σκέψη και Λογική... Διαδικτυακά» - Mathematical Thinking and Logic

Webinar: «Μαθηματική Σκέψη και Λογική... Διαδικτυακά» - Mathematical Thinking and Logic

Webinar: «Mathematical Thinking and Logic … Online»

On Sunday October 18, 2020 as part of the innovative programs Art & Science Days, educational programs «Μaths Games» and «Introduction to Mathematical Thinking and Logic» were held online through Microsoft Teams.

5th and 6th Grade students participated in «Maths Games» and 7th Grade students participated in the program «Introduction to Mathematical Thinking and Logic».

Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with mathematical concepts that can’t be found in the school textbooks and prepare for Mathematical competitions, panhellenic and international.

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