Mandoulides Schools

Lets go on a trip to the moon!

Μια ξεχωριστή εμπειρία απόλαυσαν οι μαθητές της Β΄ Δημοτικού παρέα με την Τέλα και τον Σπάγγο, τους δύο δαιμόνιους γάτους, τους αριστοτέχνες της βιβλιοδεσίας.

Μια ξεχωριστή εμπειρία απόλαυσαν οι μαθητές της Β΄ Δημοτικού παρέα με την Τέλα και τον Σπάγγο, τους δύο δαιμόνιους γάτους, τους αριστοτέχνες της βιβλιοδεσίας.

Lets go on a trip to the moon!

The Second Grade students of the Primary School had great fun with Tela and Spangos, the two astute cats, the masters of bookbinding. As part of the "Mission X" program, the students built their own original board game in a suitably designed area in the playground of the Primary School.

Following step by step the instructions and tips of the two experienced bookbinders and under their close supervision, the children actively participated in all stages of the game, from its design to the formulation of the rules and its design.

The motif of the game is no other than the solar system, in which the stars, planets and constellations are visible, in a pandemonium of colors and perfectly harmonized with the theme of the students' involvement in the space program "Mission X", during the past few weeks.

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