Mandoulides Schools

A seed needs the sun, water and love to grow!

Η Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Περιβάλλοντος ήταν απλώς η αφορμή για τους μαθητές της Β΄ Δημοτικού, προκειμένου να δείξουν για άλλη μια φορά την περιβαλλοντική τους ευαισθησία.

Η Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Περιβάλλοντος ήταν απλώς η αφορμή για τους μαθητές της Β΄ Δημοτικού, προκειμένου να δείξουν για άλλη μια φορά την περιβαλλοντική τους ευαισθησία.

A seed needs the sun, water and love to grow!

The World Environment Day was the occasion for the 2nd Grade Students to once again show their environmental sensitivity.

Early in the morning, they took action in the school vegetable garden, where with a lot of love, care, and attention they planted seeds from a different variety of beans in hopes that they would grow quickly.

At the same time, as a gesture of good will, they displayed paintings around the school yard. These paintings focused on the subject of our environment and emphasized its need to be protected by everyone; in this way they tried to convey the message to young and old students that protection and respect to nature and its balance, must be everyone's daily responsibility and concern!

It is worth mentioning that despite their young age, they suggested smart ways and solutions through their works, both for the salvation of our natural wealth and for the proper management of the earth's energy resources. Solutions that can guarantee for a better tomorrow!

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