Webinar: Mathematical Thinking and Logic 16/10/2021

Webinar: Mathematical Thinking and Logic In order to spark students' interest in mathematics and familiarize them with mathematical notions that go beyond textbooks, Mandoulides Schools organize actions that...
Λίγες μέρες μετά την έναρξη της νέας σχολικής χρονιάς, οι γονείς και οι κηδεμόνες των μαθητών του Δημοτικού Σχολείου είχαν την ευκαιρία να ενημερωθούν διαδικτυακά για το πρόγραμμα σπουδών

Informational Meetings for Elementary School

Informational Meetings for Elementary School A few days after the beginning of the new school year, parents and guardians of Elementary School students had the opportunity to get...
Η μαθήτρια Α. Μπεκιάρη (Γ΄ Δημοτικού) κατέκτησε τη 2η θέση και το αργυρό μετάλλιο στους Πανελλήνιους Αγώνες Σκάκι

Silver Medal in Panhellenic Chess Championship

3rd grade student A. Mpekiari earned 2nd place and the silver medal in the Panhellenic Chess Championship that was held in Patra from 30/08 to 05/09, in the category...


The Art & Science Webinars 2021, which were attended by 371 students from various schools, were successfully completed
Ολοκληρώθηκε και η δεύτερη εβδομάδα των MANDOULIDES BASKETBALL CAMPS 2021. Κάθε εβδομάδα ήταν αυτοτελής και περιλάμβανε δύο camps, το πρωινό ALL STAR BASKETBALL CAMP και το απογευματινό FULL - COURT BASKETBALL CAMP.

Mandoulides Basketball Camps 2021

The second week of MANDOULIDES BASKETBALL CAMPS 2021 has been completed. The two weeks were independent and each of them consisted of two camps, the morning ALL STAR...
Panelladikes 2021, Moria

High Scores in 2021 Panhellenic Exams

High Scores in 2021 Panhellenic Exams Mandoulides Schools’ students received high scores once again in the 2021 Panhellenic Exams and will be admitted to schools of high demand....

Graduation ceremony for the graduates of 2020

Emotional return to the school for their graduation, one year later… A different graduation ceremony for the graduates of 2020, it was held a year later due to...
Τα Εκπαιδευτήρια Ε. Μαντουλίδη, πρωτοπορώντας για άλλη μια φορά, διοργάνωσαν το Event First Lego League School Edition.

FLL School Edition Event

For the 2nd consecutive year, 6th grade students of Mandoulides Schools realized the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) School Edition program