22nd National Astronomy & Space Student Competition

On Sunday, March 12th the third and final phase of the 22th National Astronomy competition for senior high schools “IPPARCHOS” was held in the auditorium of the Economics Department of the University of Thessaly in Volos.

Two students of the Schools shortlisted in the previous phases took part and won 3rd place (R. Tsiamis, 11th Grade) and 6th place (O. – Th. Tzamtzis, 12th Grade). According to the places they won, the two students will also participate in the fourth phase of the competition “PTOLEMY” (24 – 25 June) in order to claim one of the top five places leading to the 11th International Astronomy Olympiad to be held in Thailand in 2017.

What is more, R. Tsiamis, having ranked third, has the opportunity to go to the NASA Space Camp facility in Huntsville, Alabama, USA in late July for 7 days.

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