Research and Collaborations

Research programs

FLIP2G: Enhancing education and training through data-driven adaptable games in flipped classrooms

Mandoulides Schools are part of the research project “FLIP2G: Enhancing education and training through data-driven adaptable games in flipped classrooms”, which is fully funded by the European Commission as part of the program Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances.

Aalborg University Denmark coordinates the project while the consortium comprises the University of Macedonia, Nurogames GmbH from Gernany,  a company specializing in the development of Serious Games, Artelnics from Spain, a company which specializes in Learning Analytics, Northumbria University from England and Revheim School from Norway.

European programs

Erasmus+ KA2: FuturEU Students as Transmitters of Cultural Heritage

Erasmus+ is the European Commission’s program that supports education, training, youth and sport, and is aimed at enhancing skills and modernizing education systems while promoting tolerance and intercultural sensitivity for students.

As part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (2018), Mandoulides Schools take part in two European Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnerships that exchange good practices.

A partnership among Terra Santa College, Cyprus, which will be the coordinating school, Alytaus Panemunes Pagrindine Mokykla, Lithuania, Scoala Gimnaziala Pietroasa, Romania and Mandoulides Schools.

Erasmus+ is the European Commission’s program that supports education, training, youth and sport, and is aimed at enhancing skills and modernizing education systems while promoting tolerance and intercultural sensitivity for students.

As part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (2018), Mandoulides Schools take part in two European Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnerships that exchange good practices.

A partnership among Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1, Romania, which will be the coordinating school, Tuzla Dede Korkut Ortaokulu, Turkey, Ies Concha Mendez Cuesta, Spain, Agrupamento De Escolas De Ideas, Portugal and Mandoulides Schools.

Etwinning-Mandoulides Schools

Elementary School students have the opportunity to be part of the eTwinning community for schools in Europe.

As part of the eTwinning project, our school collaborates with schools from other European countries in order for our students to gain educational, social and cultural benefits.

Σχεδίαση ημερολογίου

Με το τέλος του προγράμματος οι μαθητές των σχολείων που συμμετείχαν σχεδίασαν το δικό τους ημερολόγιο για το 2022. Οι 4 χώρες μοιράστηκαν τους μήνες του χρόνου ως εξής: Ρουμανία-Χειμώνας, Λιθουανία-Φθινόπωρο, Κύπρος-Άνοιξη, Ελλάδα-Καλοκαίρι.

Η μαθήτρια της Β' Λυκείου Φωτεινή Κυρατζή επιμελήθηκε την εικονογράφηση της ελληνικής συμμετοχής.


Ζωντανή συναυλία ελληνικής παράδοσης

Κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικτυακής συνάντησης που διοργάνωσε το Κυπριακό σχολείο Terra Santa οι μαθητές των Εκπαιδευτηρίων ετοίμασαν 2 παρουσιάσεις.  Μια ζωντανή συναυλία ελληνικής παράδοσης κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας δύο μαθητές των Εκπαιδευτηρίων μας με τη συνοδεία του καθηγητή μαθηματικών κ. Ηλία Κατσόγιαννη έπαιξαν και τραγούδησαν ζωντανά αντιπροσωπευτικά τραγούδια του τόπου μας και ένα video στο οποίο διηγούνται παραδοσιακά παραμύθια και μύθους στην ελληνική και αγγλική γλώσσα.

Greek Myths and Legends


Traditional Songs and Music



Παρουσίαση γεγονότων ιστορικής περιόδου

Με αφορμή του εορτασμού των 200 χρόνων από την Ελληνική Επανάσταση του 1821 , η κ. Ο. Δάντση και ο κ. Χ. Χρυσοχοΐδης έκαναν παρουσίαση των γεγονότων της ιστορικής περιόδου, του αντίκτυπου της στο παγκόσμιο γίγνεσθαι καθώς και έθιμα του εορτασμού της εθνικής μας εορτής.


The European Parliament Ambassador School program aims at enriching young people’s knowledge of European parliamentarianism, of the values ​​of political democracy in Europe and of the role and operation of the European Parliament, which represents European citizens.

The program is addressed to senior high school teachers and students and is implemented with the approval and support of the Hellenic Parliament and the Ministry of Education. Significant support for the program is also provided by the Vice President of the European Parliament, as well as other Greek MEPs.

At the end of the school year and after the actions have been evaluated, the title of “European Parliament Ambassador School” is awarded to the successful schools. At the same time, honorary certificates are presented to Junior Ambassadors (students) and Senior Ambassadors (teachers) of the European Parliament.

Mandoulides Schools have been named “Ambassador School of the European Parliament” for 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Δημιουργία Info Point - Ενημέρωση μαθητών γυμνασίου από τους μαθητές Junior Αmbassadors

Junior Ambassador students of 10th and 11th Grade Z. Kamopoulou, K. Koukalias, L. Rachman and A. Savva created an info point called “Europe’s Corner” and informed junior high school students about European Union issues, thus taking an active part in the celebration of Europe Day.



Creation of Website

Junior Ambassador students of 11th Grade S. M. Digktsi and S. Piperidis created a website called “United Europe?”


Mandoulides Schools have taken part in two “Teachers4Europe” programs since 2015.

“Teachers4Europe” is an innovative and pioneering educational project in which teachers and students take part with work that they have done in their classes.

As part of this project, they keep abreast of EU developments and opportunities, cooperate with each other and improve their skills by using innovative experiential teaching methods based on information and communication technologies.

In this endeavor, they looked for ways to support both their own people and Europe’s timeless ideals, and sought to give food for thought to the people who visited their blog.

Integrated System for the Safe Transportation of Students (i-student trip)

Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)

Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

European Union – European Regional Development Fund

Project partners: CERTH/HIT – Sector (Laboratory) B (Project Coordinator), INFOTRIP S.A., G4S Telematix S.A., Mandoulides Schools S.A., Urban Buses of Veria S.A.

Design and development of an integrated system that will ensure the safe transportation of students from/to the school premises by:

  • Monitoring the driver’s driving behavior (velocity, aggressive driving).
  • Detecting students boarding and using seatbelts.
  • Informing parents of students’ transportation from/to school.
  • Connecting the vehicle with the call center for immediate and effective response to any emergency.
  • Reducing total transportation costs.
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