2nd and 3rd Grade welcome Elena Artzanidou and “Isolde’s Box”

2nd and 3rd Grade welcome Elena Artzanidou and “Isolde’s Box”

In a warm atmosphere, as part of the “Book Partners” program, the students of 2nd and 3rd Grade presented Elena Arzanidou’s book “Isolde’s Box” at the Cultural Center of the Schools.

Through short theatrical sketches, narrations and songs, the little students focused on the dual role of television and modern technological achievements in the lives of young and older people alike, while sending an optimistic message: all human creations are only useful when used in moderation.

During the book presentation, the author was moved and revealed to the students the “secret” of her book: she was inspired to write the story by little Isolde, an 8-year-old student she met many years ago at the very same place, at Mandoulides Schools.

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