3rd Grade Students are reading the book “The Selfish Giant”

Στo πλαίσιo του μαθήματος της Γλώσσας, οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες της Γ’ Δημοτικού είχαν την ευκαιρία να εξασκήσουν τις καλλιτεχνικές τους δεξιότητες μέσα από την ανάγνωση του κλασικού παραμυθιού του Όσκαρ Ουάιλντ «Ο Εγωιστής Γίγαντας».

3rd Grade Students are reading the book “The Selfish Giant”

As part of the Language lesson, 3rd Graders had the opportunity to practice their artistic skills through the reading of the classic fairy tale “The Selfish Giant” by Oscar Wilde.

Completely fascinated after reading of the fairy tale and having already created the relevant images in their minds, the children proceeded to illustrate the story, while at the same time they accompanied their wonderful creations with their voices.

You may find and enjoy the videos of the 6 groups of 3rd Grade students of our school in this link.

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