18 Mandoulides Schools’ Junior and Senior High School students participated in the 7th Computer Science student conference held in the Planetarium of the Science Center and Technology Museum “NOESIS” from April 21st to 23rd 2015.
Students presented 5 Computer Science projects, out of which 3 were selected to be presented on the main stage, 2 were selected to appear in the e-poster show and one of them was presented in RoboLand.
The projects presented were:
1. e-voting, Manufacture of Digital Voting Program in language C ++: K. Stefanidis, C. Dolopikos, G. Koryfidis, A. Huang (10th grade students).
2. Music editing using the DJUCED Program: V. Triantafyllou, N. Chryssikos – Constantoudakis, E. Kolympianaki, E. Pavlidou, A. – A. Pataka (8th grade students).
3. Robot Construction with Lego Mindstorms: C. Papazoglou, C. Chorinos (7th grade students).
4. Flipped Classroom, Creation of digital learning materials and publications on the Internet: Z. Kamopoulou, D. Antivalidi, C. Efstathiou (7th grade students).
5. Construction of a Calculator in programming language C: A. Archipova, S. Mastoris, T. Nakou, M. – E. Papagianni (7th grade students).