9th Student Conference of Informatics

On Friday, April 28th, 2017, from 10:00 to 16:00, Junior High School students Ch. Alvanos, N. Vantoulis, I. Dimoulios, S. Mastoris, E. Mitrou, A. Davideanu, A. Papadopoulos and Th. Tzellos participated in the 9th Student Conference on Informatics, which took place at the NOESIS Planetarium, presenting their project “Programming with C ++: Electronic Voting” on the central stage.

The students of 6th Grade A. Tsiorvas and A. – Ch. Pampoukidis presented their project entitled “Educational Game of Knowledge for Kindergarten Students with Scratch Software”


while students of 5th Grade F. Giannakopoulos and of 6th Grade N. Ioannidis presented their work on “How Well Do Students Know the Google Search Engine?”.


During the conference, they also attended experiential programming and robotics actions.

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