In a world that is becoming more interconnected and globalized, it is imperative for every education system and school to prioritize the mastery of other languages.

English language proficiency is increasing in cities such as Madrid, Mumbai and Prague. One advantage of being a natural English speaker is the ability to travel to almost any location in the world and easily locate individuals who can communicate in the English language.

The dominance of the English language has made Americans complacent. They have neglected the mastery of foreign languages.

The EF English Proficiency Index, a measure of the linguistic competence of adults globally, has seen substantial and consistent improvements since its inception in 2011.

The 2018 report indicated that a total of 12 countries, including Slovenia, South Africa, and Sweden, achieved the greatest level of proficiency, setting a new record. In 2018, the significance of the English language remains as crucial as ever. According to the report, it is the language commonly used for communication in all forms of global transactions, including trade, services, and sharing of thoughts and concepts.

The ongoing growth of public and private investment in English education will undoubtedly perpetuate this trend. Due to the increasing need for English proficiency in many countries and settings, several schools have now made it mandatory to include English in their curricula.

Within Europe, 80% of students in elementary school and 94% of students in high school are engaged in the study of the English language. In China, the number of individuals who speak English as a second language surpasses the population of the United States who speak it as their primary language.

Beyond the confines of the classroom, the global expansion of media provides opportunities for individuals who are not native speakers to refine their abilities in novel ways. Netflix and YouTube offer convenient, instant access to conversational English, allowing students to develop fluency and subtlety in their speaking skills.

There is a concern about the potential mutation of the English language and the potential loss of competitive advantage for native speakers in the corporate employment market. However, the main issue could be that the widespread use of English leads English speakers to believe that it is acceptable to exclusively speak one language.

The Advantages of Bilingualism

Many countries, including the US and Greece perform inadequately in the field of 2nd language instruction. The usual practice involves commencing at a tardy stage, employing inefficient teaching methods, and separating academic learning from pertinent context. Consequently, fewer than 1% of adults in the United States are proficient in a second language acquired through formal education. (In Europe, 53% of people do.)

The dearth of emphasis and precedence Americans have allocated to language acquisition exemplifies a conventional perspective centered around the United States: we anticipate and demand that people approach them.

This perspective is not only conceited, but also lacks foresight.

There are numerous advantages to both teaching and studying second languages that go beyond the basic skills needed for simple tasks such as:

  • Ordering coffee in France,
  • Taking a taxi in Shanghai, or
  • Asking for a bathroom in Mexico City.

People that speak 2 languages:

  • Have been inherently programmed to understand that several perspectives can simultaneously exist.
  • Have fostered a significant amount of self-awareness and modesty.

Language proficiency, allows people to traverse many cultures and situations with a reasonable level of self-assurance and comfort. Language is a versatile tool that allows us to gain access, understanding, and compassion across various boundaries. Even more scientifically:

  • It has been widely recognized that the multilingual brain possesses more dexterity. Empirical evidence unequivocally demonstrates that the acquisition of language enhances memory, attention, and concentration.
  • It also has a positive correlation with increased academic accomplishment and standardized test scores, as well as improved levels of self-efficacy and self-esteem. Equally significant, the act of acquiring a foreign language is a practice in cultural modesty that compels us to perceive the world beyond our own perspective.

Who wouldn’t desire these advantages?

Early initiation and emphasis on immersion and relevance, rather than rote memorization and examinations, are crucial for language acquisition. The majority of high school graduates often claim that the time they invested in French or Spanish classes had minimal impact, except for discouraging them from further language acquisition.

If high schools were to establish proficiency as a graduation criterion instead of basing it solely on the amount of time spent in school, significant transformations would occur.

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