A beautiful celebration for the farewell of 12th Grade graduates of school year 2017-2018 was held by Mandoulides Schools with the presence of parents, relatives, friends, teachers and the administration of the Schools.
The keynote speakers of the event were Mr. Stratis Pattakos, Cardiac Surgeon, Director of 2nd Cardiac Surgery Clinic at Hygeia Hospital and Mr. Grigoris Pattakos, Cardiothoracic Surgeon at Hygeia Hospital.
The speakers addressed graduates and spoke to them ‘from the heart’, urging them to constantly fight.
“Life is simple and natural and, at the end of the day, the successful people were the ones that had a harmony within them. Those who were able to combine science and nature, family and friends, and at the same time achieve scientific, social and professional success. In other words, a balanced life. Of course, not only those who did well in the Panhellenic exams also did well in their lives. Steve Jobs never went to college. Life is good to everyone. You need to meet it though, to be punctual at your appointment with life and not to blame it because life is like a woman and tends to be insulted, so you need to be on time and possess strength and courage”, Mr. Stratis Pattakos mentioned amongst others.
“The moment when children become adults is symbolic. It is one of those moments in life that cannot be forgotten, like your wedding, your first day at work, your college degree. What is important is the effort, the realization that successes and failures are both parts of life, as are exams, new goals, new perspectives. You should never stop trying. Failure often helps more than victory. Many of you will find their professional and academic future abroad. I was also in the US for 19 years. But I know that at some point in Greece there will be a financial boom as well as a career opportunity for each and every one of you who really wants it” said Mr. Grigoris Pattakos.
At the event, which was coordinated and presented by the General Director of Mandoulides Schools, Ms. Aspa Hasioti, the CEO of the Schools Ms. Aikaterini Mantoulidou extended a greeting to the graduates, giving them her best wishes for the continuation of their studies with strength, constant effort and right choices in their lives. She also cited the example of persistence, vision and faith in hard work as set by the founder of Mandoulides Schools, Evangelos Mantoulidis.
The event included speeches, awards for students who excelled in various fields during their school years, school life snapshots as well as music and songs performed by the orchestra and choir of Mandoulides Schools.