Distinctions in the 5th Rhetoric Speech Competitions

Junior High School students received significant distinctions in the 5th Rhetoric Speech Competitions, held at the 2nd Experimental Junior High School of Thessaloniki. The Competitions were organized by the 2nd Experimental Junior High School of Thessaloniki and the Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia and were attended by 29 secondary schools in the Region of Central Macedonia. The students who received distinctions were:

G. Michailidis 1st award in cooperation and teamwork
4th place in Debate
K. Symeonidou 4th place in Impromptu Speaking
A. Andreadi 6th place in Impromptu Speaking

The Schools have been participating in the Rhetoric Speech Competitions since 2011 and have received the following awards in Impromptu Speaking: 1st place 4 times, 2nd place 2 times, 3rd one time and in Debate: 1st place 2 times, 2nd one time and 3rd place 3 times.

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