«Ethos-Pathos-Logos»: Harvard Model Congress Young Leadership Program

From June 17th to 19th , E. Mandoulides Schools hosted the Harvard Model Congress Young Leadership Program, a pioneering educational initiative aimed at developing leadership skills. 37 students, aged 12-16, took part in the program.

Guided by their mentors, Harvard honor students Mr. Caleb Thomson and Mr. Benjamin Ma, participants engaged in activities focused on enhancing leadership qualities and critical thinking. Special emphasis was placed on cultivating problem-solving skills (Developing Plans to Solve Global Challenges) and improving public speaking (Public Speaking).

They explored different methods of persuasion and practiced public speaking and negotiation, drawing on Aristotle’s principles of “Ethos-Pathos-Logos.” Through role-playing exercises, students worked in small groups to develop Action Plans aimed at tackling real-world problems. They proposed realistic solutions and endeavored to persuade their peers of the validity and effectiveness of their ideas.

Finally, during the Mentorship Panel, the mentors discussed the opportunities and requirements for admission to Harvard University and other Ivy League institutions.

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