2022 – 2023

With the approval of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Mandoulides Schools, are holding the “Simulation of the European Parliament Plenary Session” on Thursday and Friday, 19th and 20th January 2023, for 10th and 11th Grade students of all schools in Greece.

The simulation process consists of the creation of eight committees, to which more than 120 students of 10th and 11th Grade will be allocated. Each of these committees proposes a bill to vote on and receives the corresponding questions and rebuttals to individual articles from the other committees. The goal is, through a fruitful and constructive dialogue, to issue eight bills that will provide solutions to important issues, by taking a vote.

The event is supported by the European Parliament Office in Greece, and the Delegation of the European Commission in Greece.

The simulation will take place on the premises of Mandoulides Schools (12th km. of National Road of Thessaloniki – Ν. Moudania, Thermi, Thessaloniki), where there is a 500-seat theatre, 4 ultra-modern sports arenas, art, computer science, physics, chemistry, and biology laboratories, a library, and open courts.

Sponsors: Livemedia, MEVGAL, Gousios

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