Σημαντική διάκριση κατέκτησε ο μαθητής Θ. Κυπάρος (Β΄ Γυμνασίου) σε διεθνή μουσικό διαγωνισμό.

First prize in an international music competition

8th grade student Th. Kyparos gained a significant distinction in an international music competition. More specifically, the student won the 1st Prize in the International Music Competition “GRAND PRIZE VIRTUOSO,” of Bonn, Germany (category 13 – 15 years old).

After this distinction, the student was invited to participate as a soloist in the concert of selected winners in the Award Ceremony of the competition, which will be held in Beethoven House (Bonn, Germany) this August, within the framework of the celebrations of the 250 years anniversary since the birth of the distinguished German composer.

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