Historians of the coronavirus from the 5th Grade students of the Primary School

Αντλώντας έμπνευση από τις ιστορικές πηγές για το Βυζάντιο, οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες της Ε’ Δημοτικού μετέτρεψαν τις δυσκολίες τους σε δημιουργία.

Historians of the coronavirus from the 5th Grade students of the Primary School

Getting inspired by historical sources about the Byzantium, the students of 5th Grade turned their difficulties into creation.

Gradually, they began recording “as little historians” the experiences they gained during the pandemic, in order to leave valuable material for future researchers.

The digital books they have created have already begun their journey through time. They deliver them in the future, in the hope that they will find the response they deserve.

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