Induction Meeting for Parents of the Day Care Center – Kindergarten – 1st Grade of Primary

The E. Mandoulides Schools welcomed the parents of the young students of the Day Care Center, Kindergarten and 1st Grade of Primary, for the new school year, emphasizing the value of creating a relationship of cooperation and open communication between the family and the school. At the schools’ Cultural and Sports Center, a few days before the start of classes, parents had the opportunity to be informed about the rules of school life, the educational objectives of each grade, the way the time schedule will be organized by grade and the new functions of the my mandoulides platform.

The information about the Kindergarten was provided by the Director of the Kindergarten, Mrs. E. Toutountzi, who welcomed young and old to the large family of the Schools, and the Director of the Day Care Center Mrs. N. Hatzivasileiou. This was followed by an update on the pioneering and innovative programs of the Kindergarten Schools, the skills workshops and the approach towards the young students in the first school years by the responsible Mrs. A. Giannakoula. Information was also given on the educational goals of the English-speaking departments, Seeds, Blossoms and Beatles, by the manager of the program Mrs. F. Nika.

Accordingly, the parents of the 1st Grade students were welcomed by the General Director and Principal of Mandoulides Schools, Mrs. A. Hasioti, and the Primary School Director, Mr. G. Hatzopoulos, who greeted them as they embarked on this new phase of our school. At the same time, Mrs. M. Papadopoulou, responsible for 1st grade and Deputy Principal of the elementary school, informed the parents in detail about the program and its goals. She also presented the educational material that will be covered and gave detailed information about the new possibilities for using the online platform my. Mandoulides. Finally, Mrs. J. Nika referred to the English language course and the way it will be taught in 1st grade.

During the informational meeting, the parents had the opportunity to meet their children’s teachers and to discuss and resolve their initial questions and concerns.

With a big smile and a warm hug, a new school year begins, aiming to inspire both young and old and to satisfy the flame and the desire for learning of all our students!

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