Interactive fairy tale narration for the students of 1st Grade

As part of the program “I know myself, I know the others”, the students of 1st Grade welcomed animator Mr. Yannis Theodorou, who narrated in his own unique way the Christmas tale “The Little Bear in the Red Cap” (Diaplous Editions) by Marilena Kavdada, at Mandoulides Cultural and Sports Center.

A little bear falls from the sky and lands on earth!
Who is he looking for and why?
How does he know Santa Claus?
What games does he play with snowmen, bunnies, cats and two passing squirrels?

One can only wonder what such a little bear can do. With a backpack and a promise. An important promise. What is this promise and how does anyone, young or older, give it and how does he keep it? The answer to these questions was given in a … fairytale way.

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