“Learning about money – I play with the euro” program

Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος «Μαθαίνω για τα χρήματα - Παίζω με το ευρώ» οι μαθητές και οι μαθήτριες της Α΄ Δημοτικού είχαν την ευκαιρία να γνωρίσουν τα νομίσματα του ευρώ

“Learning about money – I play with the euro” program

During the “I learn about money – I play with the euro” program the 1st Grade students of the Primary School had the opportunity to get acquainted with the euro coins, the symbols that depict the coins in our country and the history or myths that are associated with them. They have learned to separate the needs from the desires and to understand when they are spending money for one purpose or another.

To get acquainted with the transactions and the change, they visited the “shop” of the school and played a role play by buying and selling products. The children had their own money, in special wallets that they made with the origami method and took on the role of the cashier or the customer.

Then, they focused on the concept of saving, getting inspired by a well-known saying. They discussed similar sayings of our wise nation and thus understood the value of saving.

Finally, they talked about charity and the concept of volunteering. Each child made their own poster, to inform about the event they thought of organizing, in order to raise money or basic necessities and offer them to those who really need our help.

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