The Let’s Talk English rhetorical speech tournament, which was launched at the initiative of Mandoulides Schools in 2013 and organized by them with great success for 3 years, took place in Anatolia College this year with the participation of several 6th graders. Our students who had opted for Let’s Talk club got to know peers from public and private schools of Thessaloniki and other towns from all over Greece and developed their skills in Debate, Group Discussion and Oral Interpretation of Literature. The tournament is of a non-competitive nature. Our students that took part were: A. Adamou, K. Alexandridou, V. Georgiadis, E. Giakoumatou, A. – O. Efremidou, G. Theoharidis, C. Kangelidis, E. Kipourou, I. Papastergiou, M. – A. Staiou, A. – R. Stergi, A. Sofianopoulou, S. Tavridis, D. Foras A. – M. Chalkeidi. The teachers – coaches in charge of the project were Ms. Gazeti, Mr. Raptopoulos, Ms. Tsiagkou and Ms. Tsiolaki..