After the junior and senior high school teams took 2nd place in the Online Games of “Virtual Trial,” there was a presentation of the simulation of a Virtual Trial to 9th grade students,10th grade students and 11th grade students of the theoretical direction.
The game was presented online and impressed all of the students who attended, since the big number of participants made it possible for various opinions and arguments, which would be placed in a courtroom, to be heard.
The students who participated were the following:
Senior high school: Ε. – Ch. Αthanasiadou, D. Κaravasilis, Α. Μanakou, Ι. Stryvakis, Ε. Τriaridou.
Junior high school: Α.- Ch. Ζampiti, G. Μichalakis, Th. Papavramidis, Ν.- Th.- D. Siampali, E. Spyridou.