SMART EDUCATION 5: “5G – A New Era for Education”

SMART EDUCATION 5: “5G – A New Era for Education”

Mandoulides Schools are organizing the 5th SMART EDUCATION seminar on “5G – A New Era for Education” on Saturday, 13 November 2021.

The seminar is part of the general activities of the Schools as Microsoft Showcase Schools and is addressed to educators of Greece as well as the Greek Diaspora. It is offered free of charge and concerns the new era for education as shaped by the rapidly evolving new technologies.

Innovation in education is considered imperative. It is as important as students’ access to education in general. 5G is a promising tool aiming to provide more opportunities to students and render education accessible to everyone.

The contribution of 5G to education can really make a difference. By using 5G technology, every classroom and every school will be able to transform into an interactive learning environment, allowing a more engaging lesson to occur.

The introduction of new technologies, such as teaching with the aid of artificial intelligence, as well as the use of virtual and augmented reality and the promotion of STEM and robotics require faster and more reliable Internet connection along with less response time.

Since it can offer significantly higher Internet speed than 4G, 5G technology will provide educators and students with the necessary tools to reinvent learning procedures.

Among the seminar speakers will be:

  • Manos Varvarigos, Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
  • Stavros Dimitriadis, Professor, School of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Elena Zaglaridou, Education Future Skills Development Lead, Microsoft Central Eastern Europe
  • Maria Mpoura, Director, Marketing, Communications, Government & Industry Relations at Ericsson
  • Vasilis Oikonomou, Director of Informatics and Digital Education, Athens College | Hellenic – American Educational Foundation
  • Marina Oikonomou – Lalioti, Professor of Psychiatry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Konstantinos Papadias, Executive Director of the Research, Technology & Innovation Network and Professor of Informatics, American College of Greece
  • Chariton Polatoglou, Professor, School of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

During the seminar, participants will be informed by University Professors, representatives of Microsoft and other innovative organizations and companies, researchers and teachers about:

  • The necessity of changes in education
  • 5G as the facilitator of the digital transformation of education
  • Advantages vs disadvantages
  • Development of technical skills along with life skills through the incorporation of new technologies in education
  • Smart classrooms with new technologies, better interaction between students and teachers as well as better cooperation among peer students
  • Microsoft tools and their beneficial application in teaching

In addition, they will have the opportunity to share their opinions and experiences with other teachers who have incorporated Microsoft technologies in their teaching (Office 365 tools: Teams, OneNote, OneDrive, Booking, SharePoint, Sway, Forms, FlipGrid, Minecraft EDU, etc) and discover how they can develop both their own and their students’ skills.

Teachers of primary and secondary education who will register for participation will be able to join the live streamed seminar via Livemedia as well as Facebook and the Youtube channel of Mandoulides Schools.

  • The educators who are interested in attending the seminar can register for participation online.
  • Certificates of attendance will be issued to all participants.
  • You can access further information about SMART EDUCATION seminars on Mandoulides Schools website.
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