Student Distinctions in the 2nd Phase “Euclid”

According to the results of the second phase “Euclid” of the 75th National Competition of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, 25 students of Mandoulides Schools have progressed to and now claim a medal in the National Mathematical Olympiad “Archimedes,” to be held in Athens, on Saturday, February 28th 2015.

Junior High School
P. Diamantis S. Mastoris R. Tsiamis
A. Kourti I. Pilianidis
K. Koutroulis O. Ploiaridis
Senior High School
G. Venizelos A. – G. Koulouras S. Romanou – Pylli
I. Girousis S. Koutroulis K. Stefanidis
N. Dimopoulos P. Koutsogeorgos F. – I. Sytilidis
C. Ioannidis G. Mpatzolis K. – A. Vogkt
N. Kalosidis A. Panagiotopoulos T. Charis
R. Ketsetsidis G. Papachatzakis I. Charisiadis

In the first phase “Thales,” 70 students of the Schools were distinguished.


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