The vast audience, comprised of Greeks and expatriates alike, witnessed a unique experience by attending the anniversary event titled “Children Paint the Wall…with Giorgos Hatzinasios” in honor of the Virgin Mary of Pera and the 122 years since the founding of Zografeio Lykeio in Istanbul. Mandoulides Schools’ 6th grade students traveled to Istanbul, met their fellow students of Zografeio Lykeio, and together they shared the stage with the leading creative artist Giorgos Hatzinasios, in an event with “colorful brushstrokes,” enthusiasm, and of course much good music. The show was held at Zografeio Lykeio in Istanbul where Giorgos Hatzinasios, before going on stage and sitting at the piano, added his own touch to the canvas painted by the children, to give a message of love and creative coexistence. During the event, he was proclaimed by the Director of Zografeio Lykeio Yiannis Demirtzoglou as an “Honorary Zografeiotis” for his contribution to Greek music.