High School Student Internships Program 2024

Once again the «Summer Internships Program» was held successfully, with the participation of 10th grade students. This innovative, experiential career guidance program gives students the opportunity to closely observe the daily operations and organization of esteemed and established companies through collaboration and supervision by top executives and distinguished, specialized professors. In this way, students are given the opportunity to discover their skills and talents, find answers to their questions, and experience the everyday reality of the professions they interest them.

The companies that partnered with E. Mandoulides Schools this year and participated with great interest in the “Summer Entrepreneurship Program” are:


Dimitris Kouvelas Law Firm

Samaras & Partners

Mediterranean Palace Hotel




The students who participated in the program were:

Georgantas, I. Pagonis, S. – D. Kostidou, I. Motsanos, D. Marelas, A. Saliakelli, Ch. Gritsiow, S. Chatzikallias, Th. Miltiadou, I. Zachou, Ch. Vasileiou.

We sincerely thank these companies for their valuable contribution to the personal and professional development of our students, and we look forward to their continued participation in our future activities.

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