Teleconference with MEP Mrs. Α. – Μ. Asimakopoulou – Online tour around the European Parliament

Teleconference with MEP Mrs. Α. – Μ. Asimakopoulou – Online tour around the European Parliament

In the framework of the 40-year anniversary of the integration of Greece in the EU and prompted by the initiation of the Conference on the Future of Europe, the students of 10th grade participated in a teleconference with MEP Mrs. Α. – Μ. Asimakopoulou, on Tuesday, 1 June.

Mrs. Asimakopoulou referred to the EU institutions and bodies, the role of MEPs and the value and necessity of participatory democracy, specifically mentioning the importance of the conduction of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Afterwards, Mr. G. Stylianou, head of the European Parliament guided tours office, gave students a guided tour around the Parliament premises. A discussion with the students followed.

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