Mandoulides Schools, under the program SVG (School Vocational Guidance), are inaugurating a pioneering Special Educational Program this year, titled “100 mentors.” The program is aimed at 10th and 11th grade students, who will soon need to choose a profession, and will help them:
- Understand the value of choosing the right field of study and training in order to pursue the profession they desire with the necessary qualifications.
- To come into contact with many career choices and their prospects.
- To become aware of the need for ongoing training that enables them to adapt to the constant evolution of their field.
- To develop into individuals who derive satisfaction from their work.
According to the program:
- Experts representing dozens of different professional fields share with students their experiences on practicing their professions and details of the field in which they specialize.
- Students are inspired by professional stories that best fit their own personality and interests.
- Following the presentation, each student chooses a mentor with whose help they create a personal career plan.
The presentation of the program “100 mentors” was held in the theater of the Schools’ Cultural and Sports Center on Monday, November 23rd, 2015 by representatives of the program and was attended by 10th and 11th grade students.