Voluntary blood donation

Become a blood donor! Donate blood and save a life!

Adopting this motto, we founded the Blood Donors Association of Mandoulides Schools and we would like to thank you for your contribution to it. Blood donation is considered a form of invaluable social offer, especially during these harsh times we live in. For this reason, we invite you to participate in the blood donation that will take place on the Elementary School premises on Thursday, May 12, 2022, from 09:00 to 13:00.

Thank you in advance!

Blood donors

Every healthy person aged between 18 and 65 years can become a blood donor. A record of the donor’s health profile will be kept prior to the donation.

The donors must:

  • Carry a form of identification (ID card, driver’s license).
  • Be wearing a face mask (surgical or cloth mask).
  • Carry the legal document demonstrating their Social Security Number.

In addition, the donors must:

  • Look healthy and have a normal blood pressure and body temperature as well as untattooed skin.
  • Have a light breakfast with no fat.
  • Be well-rested (at least 6 hours of sleep).
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol during the last 24 hours.
  • Be perfectly healthy, without suffering from any chronic diseases or having recently contracted a virus (having a cough, a runny nose or a fever).
  • Not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, severe allergies or anemia (even if no medications are taken).
  • Not be taking any medicines to treat a chronic health problem.
  • Refrain from taking any painkillers or other medicines during the last 48 hours, an aspirin during the last 5 days or antibiotics during the last week.
  • Not donate blood if they have undergone surgery within the last 6 months.
  • Not suffer from hepatitis B or C, a stomach ulcer or epilepsy.
  • As regards female donors, they cannot donate blood if they are on their period or if they have gotten pregnant within the past year.

Regarding Covid-19:

  • In case a person has suffered from COVID-19, one month must pass after the disappearance of symptoms before he or she can become a donor. In case he or she has come in contact with a confirmed case, 14 days must pass before the donation on condition that there are no symptoms.
  • As regards vaccination against COVID-19, a person who has been vaccinated and has experienced no side effects can donate blood 48 hours after the vaccination. However, if there are symptoms, then one week must pass after the disappearance of the symptoms.

Should you have any questions and if any problem arises, you will be able to discuss the issue with the doctors in charge.

After the blood donation, donors will have to lie on the special chairs for a few minutes while a snack with juice will be offered to them. When the blood donation is finished, the donors must not smoke or drive a car within the next hour.

ATTENTION: People who have stayed in Great Britain for more than 6 months between the years 1980 and 1996 are not allowed to donate blood.

Blood receivers

Provided that they are in need of blood and they have presented the necessary documents to the Voluntary Blood Donors Association of Mandoulides Schools, those that are entitled to receive blood are:

  • The donors registered in the Voluntary Blood Donors Association as well as their first-degree relatives.
  • The staff members of Mandoulides Schools and their first-degree relatives provided that there is sufficient blood supply.
  • Students’ parents and other individuals who will be obliged to return the amount of blood supply in the near future.

For more information, you can contact the teachers in charge of the blood donation:

  • in the Kindergarten – Elementary School
    • Mr. Panagiotis Panikidis: tel. 2310 473813
  • in the Junior – Senior High School
    • Mrs. Foteini Gkiouna: tel. 2310 474024
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