We learn about nutrition by playing in the yard!

International Nutrition Day - μαθαίνω για τη διατροφή

We learn about nutrition by playing in the yard!

On the occasion of International Nutrition Day, in the outdoor classrooms named “Bubbles”, our 3rd grade students played board games in the school yard simultaneously deepening their knowledge on nutrition and healthy eating habits.

Students prepared and presented their own healthy snacks and then they enjoyed different games in the school yard while answering questions related to nutrition. At the end of the week the children were awarded a certificate of participation.

The recipe book of C1 with healthy snacks for school can be found here

The recipe book of C2 with healthy snacks for school can be found here

The recipe book of C3 with healthy snacks for school can be found here

The recipe book of C4 with healthy snacks for school can be found here

The recipe book of C5 with healthy snacks for school can be found here

The recipe book of C6 with healthy snacks for school can be found here




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