12th IT Conference 

Once again this year Elementary and Junior High School students participated in the 12th IT Conference of Central Macedonia, which was held online on 14 – 15/05/2020. The topics of the projects that were presented are the following:

Data Encryption with the CryptToulis algorithm 

Toulis, a 7th Grade student, presented his project on file encryption with an original encryption algorithm written with the help of C # programming language.

The algorithm consists of 3 stages of encryption to achieve greater security and it supports encryption and decryption of files with an encryption key. There is also an online application that runs directly through Internet.  


DoublePulsar:  Construction of antivirus software in Visual C # 

Anastasiadis, A. Papadopoulos, K. – R. – A. Baresel – Bofiger and P. Hatzikallias, 9th Grade students, presented an innovative application of antivirus software for protection with many possibilities of detecting and protecting from malicious software, written in C programming language and with the use of VisualStudio, to construct the interface environment.

MyTasks: Αpplication on recording tasks

N.Athanatos, a 6th Grade student, presented an application on recording tasks, which was designed and carried out with technologies such as HTLM5, CSS3 and JavaScript language.

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