European Program “EU – Childocracy”

On Thursday, November 28, the first phase of the European Program EU – Childocracy, organized by the European Public Law Organization – EPLO, took place at Mandoulides School. A total of 180 students from three countries, Bulgaria, Italy and Greece, are participating in the program with Mandoulides School being the sole representative from Greece.  

Selected students from the 9th and 10th grades, as well as students from the 10th grade  Studies Abroad program, were informed about the values, institutions and actions of the EU. They were also trained in decision-making and solving problems related to their local community with interactive and participatory activities.  

The main objective of the project is to raise students’ awareness of European values. The program also aims to create partnerships between participating students and political representatives so that students are actively involved in the political decision-making process. Through participation or organization of social actions, students will become familiar with the problem-solving process of their local community, applying the best practices and know-how they will have gained during the program. 

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