The educational program “Art and Child,” which took place in the Kindergarten throughout the school year enabled children to come into contact with Greek and foreign artists. Through these, they experienced and familiarized themselves with various forms of art and a variety of techniques, cultivated their aesthetics, developed skills and imagination and expressed themselves creatively. Specifically, they created replicas of the works “Starry night” by Van Gogh and “Vase with carnations” by G. Iakovidis. Through the works of the French George Seraut, they experienced the technique of pointillism and experimented with it. Inspired by the works of American painter and engraver, Jasper Johns and the Russian painter Wasilly Kandinsky, they created collective art work and sculptures. They decided to paint portaita of themselves and make a collage of those portraits to decorate the Kindergarten classroom. Upon completion of the program the young students were photographed trying to represent the gods of Olympus, as illustrated in paintings by famous Greek folk painter Theofilos.

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