Educational Program “Listen to me and we’ll work it out in a minute!”

Educational Program “Listen to me and we’ll work it out in a minute!”

Why do we quarrel? How can we resolve our differences in alternative ways without raising our voices, screaming and using violence on the one hand, or resorting to silence, angry smiles and resentment on the other?

The students of Kindergarten attended the educational program “Listen to me and we’ll work it out in a minute!” at the Lyrical Little Planet Cultural Center, where they took part in role-playing games based on the “chairs conflict resolution” technique, during which in every dispute between two children one speaks (the mouth) and the other listens (the ear) alternately.

So they learned what to watch out for so that they could effectively resolve their differences. At the same time, through theatrical play, they practiced the right assertiveness and found the best possible solution for all, avoiding both aggression and passivity.

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