E-comics by the students of 2nd Grade

Β Dimotikou Comics

E-comics by the students of 2nd Grade

The students of 2nd Grade surprised us once again! On the occasion of the program “Digital Citizens from an Early Age – Digital Citizenship”, they first discussed the ways in which people have been communicating from ancient times to the present day, and then they used their talent and creative imagination to create their own electronic comic which was entitled “Once Upon a Time…Communication with the World”!

They transformed into little writers and cartoonists, and their work was fantastic! This proves that even when children are not in their physical classrooms, they can produce beautiful creations thanks to their admirable cooperation.

See the e-comics created by the students of 2nd Grade by clicking here: Β1, Β2, Β3, Β4, Β5, Β6

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