A new look for…the coronavirus!
Good evening! We are the 3rd Grade of Mandoulides Schools and we would like to inform you about the latest developments regarding our relations with the coronavirus!
This bold…gentleman kept us away from our school, our friends, the countryside and games for no less than 45 days! It also deprived us of Spring, therefore we decided to work together and try to frighten him a little!
So, we came up with an extraordinary idea. We changed its form! Of course, it was still a virus but this time it was unusually playful, funny, with a strong desire for walks, a fondness for colors and painting, and above all, it was highly contagious!
In fact, now when it spreads, it tends to discover new interests and more children’s corners to spend its time in! That’s why you will see him many times but he will look different each time! And if you are lucky, you will get infected too!