4th Smart Education seminar on «Entrepreneurship education»

4th Smart Education seminar on «Entrepreneurship education»

Mandoulides Schools are organizing the 4th Smart Education seminar on: “Entrepreneurship education”, on Saturday, November 14, 2020, on the Junior-Senior High School premises (12th km National Road Thessaloniki – Ν. Μoudania).

The seminar is part of the general activities of our Schools as Microsoft Showcase Schools and it is supported by the Regional Directorate of Education of Central Macedonia, the Municipality of Thermi and the Municipality of Pylaia – Hortiatis.

It is addressed to teachers of Primary and Secondary Education and it concerns the promotion of entrepreneurship in primary and secondary education.

The school must provide the basic knowledge and cultivate those skills that contribute:

  • To familiarize students with entrepreneurship
  • To provide knowledge on the concept of entrepreneurship in education
  • In forming positive understandings in entrepreneurship
  • In the development of business initiatives and skills
  • To the possibility of implementing the ideas of young people

The development and promotion of entrepreneurship in education has been one of the major objectives of politics of the European institutions and member states for many years.

Indeed, high unemployment in young people, the economic crisis and the rapid changes in relation to the complex economy and knowledge of society, make transversal skills such as entrepreneurship essential, not only for shaping young people’s way of thinking, but also for acquiring knowledge as well as the adoption of new mentalities that are of major importance for promoting entrepreneurship and especially for actively participating in the society.

Regardless of whether students set up their own companies or social enterprises, they will benefit from learning about entrepreneurship; they will gain knowledge and develop basic skills, but also develop the required business mentality that will help them turn their ideas into action.

New technologies will support their ideas and facilitate their implementation and application. Therefore, the role of the school and that of the teacher changes. The student takes a leading role and actively participates in the process.

During the seminar, participants will be informed by university professors, representatives of Microsoft, other innovative companies and organizations, researchers and teachers about:

  • The need of entrepreneurship education
  • The innovative methods and practices for developing entrepreneurship in schools
  • The integration of technology and life skills
  • The role of new technologies in entrepreneurship education
  • Microsoft tools
  • Distance learning

In addition, they will also have the opportunity to share their opinions and experiences with other teachers who have incorporated Microsoft technologies into their teaching (Office 365 tools: Teams, OneNote, OneDrive, Booking, Sharepoint, Sway, Forms, etc.) and see how they can develop both their own skills and those of their students.

Due to the recent epidemiological conditions, the seminar will follow a hybrid model with all the relevant protection measures taken. In some of the presentations there will be physical presence of the speakers and some will be held online.

The physical audience will be the teaching staff of Mandoulides Schools, but online there would also be teachers of primary and secondary education that have asked to participate in the seminar.

  • Certificates of participation will be issued to those who will be attending both parts of the seminar.
  • The participation is free of charge.
  • Teachers of primary and secondary education joining the seminar, could attend the streamed live seminar through Livemedia as well as through Facebook and the Youtube channel of our School.
  • The seminar was courtesy of MicrosoftEurobank.
    Media Sponsors: Livemedia, Makedonia, Makthes.gr, TyposThessalonikis, TyposThes.gr and Status FM 107.7.



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