Art Competitions 2022: Awards
Mandoulides Schools organized for the 8th year in a row the panhellenic art competitions for students, where students from 27 different schools, private and public, either Greek or of the Greek ethnic group, took part.
This year, due to the unprecedented epidemiological situation, the students competed only in the categories of poetry, painting, and photography.
Art Competitions constitute since 2015 a fresh artistic step and a big celebration of education and culture. Their main objective is not really the award, but rather, the effort, the competition as a whole and the development of creativity, coexistence with peers, reflection and cultural expression.
The jury of each category, comprised of renowned personalities from the field of art, just like every year, expressed its satisfaction and enthusiasm on the creative level of students, their overall effort and their talent.
The epidemiological situation does not let us have this celebration of education and culture in Mandoulides Schools as we used to do. We wish that next year things will be as they were before!