Center of Life informs students about AIDS

On Tuesday and Wednesday, 5 and 6 December 2017, at Mandoulides High School Library, a speech was given to the students of 10th and 11th Grade by the scientific staff of the Center of Life on “Prevention against HIV infection in Senior School Students”.

The informative speech included an interactive presentation (slide show), printed material and a discussion with students about specific questions they had such as what HIV and AIDS are, what treatment options are available nowadays, how HIV can and cannot be transmitted and what the main precautions are.

The Center of Life, guided by its 26 years of experience and the moral principles that it has been cultivating all this time, utilizing the profound training of its members and its excellent cooperation with relevant stakeholders, has formed the right conditions in order to provide full information as well as to make knowledge a means of protecting and eliminating the stigma towards people living with HIV or AIDS.

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