Microsoft Showcase School

Mandoulides Schools are 1 of the 6 schools in Greece and 1 of the 306 schools worldwide that have been selected by Microsoft as a “Microsoft Showcase School” for the 9th consecutive year (2016 – 2025).

This distinction for the Schools is a recognition of the innovative actions and educational programs that have been implemented for years, with emphasis on the use of new technologies both in education and in administration.

Programs such as Flipped ClassroomWatch & LearnCase StudiesArt & Science Days and the digital platform my mandoulides form an essential part of the educational process. They render technology an indispensable tool for students, they make the learning process more interactive and creative, and they ensure the proper operation of the Schools.

The teaching and administrative staff are properly trained and updated on new technologies and the use of innovative tools. Microsoft has singled out 313 teachers in Greece, of whom 125 are Mandoulides Schools teachers.

The Schools, being a “Microsoft Showcase School”, act as a model for the other schools in the community they belong in and they hope that the vision of a smart and modern school becomes a reality for all schools.

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