Distinction in KEDITH drawing competition

Διάκριση μαθήτριας σε διαγωνισμό ζωγραφικής της ΚΕΔΗΘ

Distinction in KEDITH drawing competition

Mandoulides Schools student Maria Sardeli excelled in the drawing competition “Children Draw the Coronavirus” / “Life Before and After Covid-19”, which was organized by the Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality (KEDITH).

A total of 103 children, aged 5 to 12, responded to the call of KEDITH and sent in their works, through which they presented in their own special way they adventure that we all went through because of this pandemic.

There was a public vote until 31 May, after which Maria Sardeli ranked third. The works of all the children who took part will be exhibited as part of a KEDITH outdoor action on 17 June.


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