Distinction of a student in a Panhellenic Dance Competition.

Η μαθήτρια Γ. Καραπαναγιώτη (Α΄ Λυκείου) κατέκτησε την πρώτη θέση στον 2ο Πανελλήνιο Διαδικτυακό Διαγωνισμό Χορού

Distinction of a student in a Panhellenic Dance Competition.

The student G. Karapanagioti (10th grade) won the first place in the 2nd Panhellenic Online Dance Competition (2nd IDTA Greek Area Online Dance Competition) in the category of Street Dance SOLO ONLY (Advanced) Up to 16, in which she participated with the dance school ALL STAR DANCE ACADEMY.

The competition was held online and the student was distinguished among many contestants from all over Greece.

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