Distinctions in the 4th European Mathematical Cup 2015

On Sunday, December 13th 2015, 25 Mandoulides Schools students participated in the 4th European Mathematical Cup EMC Junior and Senior category, organized annually by the Croatian Union “Talented Youth Mathematicians Marin Getaldić.” In the Junior category, 111 students from 9 countries and in the Senior category 81 students from 10 countries. Students that received distinctions are:

Senior category
Gold medal G. Venizelos (12th Grade)
Second prize R. Tsiamis (10th Grade)
F. – I. Sytilidis (12th Grade)
R. Ketsetsidis (12th Grade)
Honorable mention I. Charisiadis (12th Grade)
Junior category
Silver medal V. Georgiadis (11th Grade)
Second prize T. Haris (11th Grade)
Third prize P. Koutsogeorgos (11th Grade)
C. Ioannidis (11th Grade)
I. Pilianidis (10th Grade)
K. Koutroulis (9th Grade)


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