Distinctions in the 8th European Mathematical Cup

European Mathematical Cup

Distinctions in the 8th European Mathematical Cup

Students of the Schools gained distinctions in the 8th European Mathematical Cup, Junior and Senior categories.

The students that excelled were:

Junior category
2nd  prize:  I. Dimoulios (11th Grade)
2nd  prize:  Κ. Konstantinidis (9th Grade)
3rd  prize:  Α. Papadopoulos (10th Grade)
3rd  prize:  P. Tzartzi (10th Grade)
3rd  prize:  Ch. Karafyllia (11th Grade)
3rd  prize:  Th. Papavramidis (8th Grade)
3rd  prize:  A. Giannakis ((8th Grade)

24 Mandoulides Schools students took part in the 8th European Mathematical Cup, which is held by the Croatian association  “Young Gifted Mathematicians Marin Getaldic” on annual basis.

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