Emotional atmosphere at the International Student Conference for Giorgos Theotokas, the Constantinopolitan


The 6th International Student Conference “Giorgos Theotokas, the Constantinopoilitan”, organized by Zografeio Lykeio of Istanbul and Mandoulides Schools of Thessaloniki under the auspices of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, was held with great success at Zografeio Lykeio.

For five days, from 14 to 18 March, students and teachers from twenty public and private schools of Greece, Istanbul, Cyprus and America met with scientists, writers, actors, artists and journalists, and approached the life and work of the Constantinopolitan writer of the Generation of the ΄30s Giorgos Theotokas.

In 2019 the conference is dedicated to Antonis Samarakis, the eternal adolescent!

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