International Children’s Book Day

International Children’s Book Day 

A book is definitely more than just colorful pictures, letters and words. It is the time we dedicate to become acquainted with it and make it our own. It helps us relax after a day full of lessons at school. It helps us explore a different world. It is those fantastic friends we make through its pages. It is our personal refuge. It is the knowledge we acquire. It is the moments we share with mum and dad in the evenings as we flip through its pages. 

Tied red thread, wrapped on the swift… 

Pre-Kindergarten students celebrated the International Children’s Book Day by presenting to their friends and teachers their favorite fairy tales. Our young readers, in their own special way, drew and wrote the title of their favorite stories, while at the same time they met many famous storytellers and came into contact with their work. 

Because a book means a lot… 

This year, due to the measures taken to limit the spread of the pandemic, 1st Grade students were able to contribute to the celebration of the International Children’s Book Day, by drawing the cover of their favorite book and presenting it to their classmates. As part of the online lessons, the children learned about the rights of a young reader, watched a presentation on how to make a book and commented on posters from previous years dedicated to this day. 

You can see the work of our young students in the e-book that you may find here

Because a book is indeed a true friend and an invaluable treasure, 2nd Grade students presented their favorite books and drew distinctive scenes from them on the occasion of the International Children’s Book Day. With exemplary maturity, they justified their choices, presenting basic facts about the identity of each book.  

You may enjoy the book presentations by the second grade students here

In addition, 3rd Grade students, all throughout the last week of March, had the opportunity to become the authors of their own books, to be introduced to great children’s works of art, to discover the wealth of knowledge that is hidden in their personal space and to send their own message about the value of books. The children had fun, developing their artistic skills, while at the same time their writing talent emerged! 

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